Further Reading / Viewing

You can find a list of all the books, films, and documentaries that History in a Heartbeat recommends for newcomers looking to expand their knowledge of American history. You can scroll through, or filter by Periods denominated in the book ” A History of the United States for Newcomers”.

  • All
  • Origins
  • Independence
  • Civil War and Reconstruction
  • Industrialization to 1917
  • First World War to End of the Second World War
  • Post War to End of the Cold War
  • The New World Order to Today
  • Whole

  • All
  • Origins
  • Independence
  • Civil War and Reconstruction
  • Industrialization to 1917
  • First World War to the End of the Second World War
  • Post War to the End of the Cold War
  • The New World Order to Today
  • Whole

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